Frequently asked questions

Trust the way you pay

Easily and securely spend, send, and manage your transactions—all in one place. Download the app on your phone or sign up for free online.

Scan the code or enter your number to get the app.

A QR code you can scan with the camera on your phone to download the PayPal app
By clicking Send Link you agree to receive a text message with a link to the PayPal app. Message and data rates may apply.

Easy. Safe. Personal.


Request payments in peace.2 We keep everybody’s sensitive financial info private.


Use your funds to shop online, send it to PayPal Savings,3 or transfer it to your bank account.1


Request money with animations, emojis, and stickers when you use the mobile app.

Speedy setup

Friend doesn’t have an account with PayPal? No problem. They can set one up in minutes.

How to request money (in 3 simple steps)

Launch your app

Then choose Request in your feed.

Enter an amount

Choose a PayPal contact and enter the amount you need.

Customize and go

Add an emoji, sticker, or friendly note. Then, choose Request Now.

Get paid in a snap

Receive money from friends and family directly through your personal profile.2